And Get All The Resources & Support You Need In One Place To Help Grow A
Successful Law Firm

More free time. More cases. More money. Every lawyer’s dream firm looks different. Whatever challenges you’re facing or lifestyle you want, the Guild is your go-to community for becoming a maximum lawyer in minimal time.
Yes, I’m Ready to Join The Guild

*Join hundreds of other success-minded attorneys
*Save $597 on an annual membership
*Includes step-by-step playbook to grow your firm

Pick Your Membership Plan


97 /month
997 /year (save $167)
Join Now
Maximum Lawyer Podcast AD FREE
60 Minute Monthly Live Training


297 /month
2997 /year (save $567)
Join Now
Everything in the Community Membership PLUS
Maximum Lawyer in Minimum Time program
An Exclusive Facebook Community
The Guild Private Podcast
Weekly Live Events - Hotseats, Trainings, Q&A
Weekly Accountability Meetings
Special Pricing to ALL Maximum Lawyer Events
Exclusive Access to Guild Mastermind Tickets
Resource Portal with Access to All Trainings


997 /month
9997 /year (save $1967)
Join Now
Everything in the Coaching Membership PLUS
Monthly 60-minute small group coaching with Tyson via Zoom
(1) quarterly in-person mastermind ticket
Exclusive invite to a micro-mastermind session to kick off the first day of each quarterly in person mastermind
Annual MaxLawCon ticket
Exclusive Growth Playbook

Exclusive Growth

Sharing The Proven Secrets
of Firm Success
Hundreds of Other Members

Hundreds of
Other Members

Transforming Their
Careers and Businesses
FREE Support and Guidance

FREE Support
and Guidance

From Fellow Guild Members in Your Exact Shoes
Private Quarterly Mastermind

Private Quarterly

Invitations Not Available to the General Public

The Guild Has Literally Been the #1 Factor in Transforming My Practice...

"I’ve been in the Guild since day one, and it has literally been the #1 factor that has transformed my practice. The accountability, advice, and friends that I’ve made, have absolutely positively transformed my practice. I’m moving in a direction that, 6 months ago, I never thought I’d be moving in."

Russ Nesevich, Guild Member

Are You Struggling To Bring Your Vision For A Successful Law Firm To Life?

Running your own law firm was meant to give you control over your time, greater earning potential, and a chance to make more of an impact doing the work you love.

So why does it feel like you have less control than ever? You may be busy handling a high-volume caseload, and don’t have time to focus on improving your business systems. You might be trying to delegate your way out of the problem, but your team isn't performing as you hoped. Or, you’re so busy dealing with month-to-month problems that there’s no time to focus on the bigger picture. 

Whatever your challenges, you’re not alone.

Do Any Of The Following Describe Your
Experience Managing A Law Firm?

Do you feel like you’re constantly doing everything yourself? And you’re tired of facing every problem as an army of one…
Are you struggling to attract the number of clients you want? And there’s a real fear over your ability to pay your team and keep your firm running...
Have you worked in your firm for years without optimizing your core systems? And you’re struggling to find the most efficient way of doing things...
Do you lack confidence when making critical business decisions? And you wish you were as incisive in business as you are in a courtroom...
Are you spending more and more time at work trying to manage everything? And you miss spending time with your family or doing the things you love...
Do you feel like a bottleneck in your role, with every question, problem, and idea having to pass through you first? And you want to build a team who can be trusted to carry some of the responsibility...
And worst of all, do you feel like you’re navigating the obstacles of running a business without support or direction?

Running A Law Firm Doesn’t Have To Feel Isolating Or Stressful (Like It Does Right Now)

If you’ve resonated with any of the challenges above, it’s not your fault. Running your own firm can - and often does - feel overwhelming. Just because you’re a top-notch attorney doesn’t mean you’re a natural business owner. In fact, all the time you’ve spent perfecting your legal craft can leave you without the critical business skills you need to scale and grow your firm.

Let’s be honest, you’re already an awesome lawyer who knows their sh*t. Where you need help (and you likely know it), is with the systems, processes, and mindset required to be an equally awesome business owner.

Do you wish you had someone on hand to answer your questions, provide proven solutions to your most pressing challenges, and personalize their advice to your specific law firm scenario?

running a lawfirm

How Long Have You Been Spinning
Your Wheels Trying To Grow Your
Business Through Trial And Error?

Odds are you have a favorite podcast, YouTube channel, or blog that inspires, educates, and guides you. The problem is, these passive forms of learning are only helpful to a point.

Maybe you’re wasting time trying to implement what you’ve learnt. You might be forcing a cookie-cutter approach where a custom solution would be more effective. Or, you’re soaking up information without the support or accountability to implement what you’ve learnt.

business growth podcasts

We’re confident you’ve tried at least one of the following...

Turning to good ol’ Google for help, but the information overload meant it was next to impossible to find tips that might work for your firm or practice area.
Listening to business growth podcasts (like ours), but you found the passive support of a podcast just wasn’t providing the active support you needed to overcome your specific challenges.
Investing time and money in conferences that promise to fast-track your growth or knowledge, but feel irrelevant when it comes to your specific goals and your practice.
Reaching out to fellow practice owners, only to end up in an echo chamber bouncing ideas off business owners who feel just as stuck as you.
Signing up for ‘How to Run a Law Firm’ courses that explain the theory of growing a business without the practical strategies or hands-on support you were looking for.

The problem is, most online resources are a one-way street. They don’t provide the clarity, direction, or support you need to move forward no matter how much information you consume.

At Maximum Lawyer, We Believe That
The Best Source Of Knowledge
Comes From Attorneys Just Like You

Maximum Lawyer is built on real-world experience running successful law firms. Our community - including founder Tyson Mutrux - aren’t just teachers. They’re doers.
Online courses, endless blog content, and business-building “gurus” might look good on paper. But if you’re ready to finally get the right systems in place, adopt a growth mindset, and proactively grow your firm at every stage of the game, nothing beats a community of genuine, supportive, and goal-oriented attorneys who want to see you win.
Yes, I’m Ready to Join The Guild

Finally, You Can Access A Private
Community That Supports You So You Can…

Surround yourself with people
who understand your industry
and can help you overcome
your everyday challenges.
Feel fully in control of your business with proven and scalable systems that help you manage your time effectively.
Work less hours without sacrificing your income so you can spend time with the people that matter to you.
Hire a team that’s in sync with
your vision and committed to
growing your firm so you can
step back without worrying
the sky will fall in.
Increase leads and take on more cases so you can stop worrying whether you’ve got enough work coming to run a successful firm.
Wake up each day feeling
satisfied that the business
you’ve built is having the
greatest impact - for your
staff, your clients, and yourself.
Receive personal support
from a community of growth-
minded law firm owners just
like you.
Enjoy a work/life balance that gives you the time with loved ones you want without impacting your ability to make good money.
Finally, feel confident in your
decisions as a business
owner, not just an attorney.
And much more… So if you’re ready to stop thinking month to month and implement
a big picture growth plan for your career and business, you’re in the right place.

Introducing The
Maximum Lawyer Guild

The Active Support Network & Community You Need to Get
Your Sh*t Together and Run a Successful Law Firm

The Maximum Lawyer Guild is the only membership of its kind to provide peer-driven support to attorneys across all practice areas.

As a Guild member, you won’t just be given the same passive, one-way resources available on YouTube, Spotify or Google. Instead, you’ll learn how to create a more efficient and successful firm with real-world strategies that have worked for hundreds of other firm owners.

We don’t want to fry your brain. So we adopt a personalized approach to eradicate information overload. That means only giving you the strategies and tools you actually need, and answering the questions you actually ask, so you’re not overwhelmed, and can move forward with confidence.

Whether you’ve been running your firm for a while, or you’re just starting out and want to eliminate years of wasted time trying to figure everything out on your own, this membership will help you build a well-established foundation to support your business’ growth without the guesswork.

maximum lawyer guild

Through education, accountability, actionable strategies, and a whole lotta personal support and feedback, you’ll go from feeling overwhelmed to running your business with confidence.

Yes, I’m Ready to Join The Guild

*Join hundreds of other success-minded attorneys
*Save $597 on an annual membership
*Includes step-by-step playbook to grow your firm

Here’s A Glimpse Of What You
Get As A Guild Member

A dream isn’t a dream if it’s a nightmare to maintain. If you’ve got big plans for your firm but you’re struggling with the day-to-day running of your business, here’s a snapshot of how we take you from chaos to calm.

Maximum Lawyer In Minimum Time

‘Maximum Lawyer In Minimum Time’ Growth Playbook

Our signature, step-by-step playbook to grow your firm no matter what stage your practice is at

Receive an actionable, practical, step-by-step playbook to help you identify and overcome the challenges facing all law firms. This isn’t your garden variety info you can find in the vaults of Google or on some random YouTube channel.

These are the real-world strategies that have helped generate millions of dollars in revenue for our own law firms - and they can do the same for you. With zero fluff and processes that work in any practice (and in any practice area), this playbook is the foundation of your Guild membership and can help remove the guesswork from every step of your journey.

Unlimited Q&A In The Private Member’s Only Forum

Get the personalized feedback and reviews you need to overcome your challenges

How do I build a successful law firm? What’s the next step in my growth plan? And why does the office printer run out of toner so quickly?

We answer these types of questions (and more) in a private community made up of Guild founder Tyson, as well as your industry peers. Whether it’s getting out of survival mode and focusing on growth, or a specific question relating to your area of practice, you’ll always have someone (or a whole lot of people) to turn to when you need answers.

maximum lawyer forum
maximum lawyer meetings

Weekly Accountability Meetings

Join Tyson and a select group of your peers to set weekly goals and celebrate weekly successes.

Accountability isn’t just a high-scoring Scrabble word - it’s the backbone of your membership.

You’ve got enough on your plate without being assigned homework or adding more to your to-do list. That’s why we help you identify ONE weekly goal and provide actionable support to help you achieve it. Then, we'll let you grade yourself on whether you reached your goal.

This positive environment isn’t about telling you what to do, but letting you outline your goals and finding ways to make ‘em a reality.


maximum lawyer meetings

Exclusive Access To Quarterly
Small Group Mastermind Sessions

Gather in-person (sorry Zoom, we’re breaking up with you) with an intimate, interactive group of other members to share the highs, lows and challenges of growing your firm.

When you attend a Guild mastermind you'll put yourself in a challenging environment and surround yourself with like-minded people who will push you to overcome what it is that's holding you back. On top of getting sh*t done in half-day workshops, you’ll jump in the Hot Seat to work through your most pressing challenges, then enjoy optional activities because life is waaaay too short not to have a little fun.
Yes, I’m Ready to Join The Guild

*Join hundreds of other success-minded attorneys
*Save $597 on an annual membership
*Includes step-by-step playbook to grow your firm

I Get the Most Benefit From Listening to Other People Giving Advice. The Free Flow of Information Is Fantastic

“There’s a lot of camaraderie, everyone is trying to help each other because we’re all in the same boat. You might get information from someone in a different part of the country, in a different practice area, to improve your own business. I’d highly recommend you give it a try.”

David terry Guild Member

Want to Know The Real Key to Success Inside the Guild?

The Community You’ll Be Joining

Ever felt like the only person who truly understood how hard it is to run a law firm? Or maybe you’ve wanted someone to celebrate your wins just as much as provide help to overcome your challenges?

If so, you’re not alone.

That’s why the real gold of the Maximum Lawyer Guild isn’t just the tried and tested frameworks and resources… it’s the hands-on advice and support you’ll have from industry peers who know exactly how you feel.
As a member, you’ll be able to:

Get the answers and proven strategies you need from other members who genuinely want to see you succeed.
Be inspired by fellow practice owners who understand your goals because they’ve walked in the same shoes as you.
Access 1-on-1 feedback from Tyson on your specific scenarios, so you can move forward with clarity and confidence
Receive judgment-free encouragement, accountability and validation from your peers.
Yes, I’m Ready to Join The Guild

*Join hundreds of other success-minded attorneys
*Save $597 on an annual membership
*Includes step-by-step playbook to grow your firm


A Glimpse At Life 
Before And After The Guild

Before Joining The 
Maximum Lawyer Guild

You’re working too many hours without anything to show for it (expect maybe stress headaches)
Your team isn’t offering the right kind of help (if they’re helping at all) which means you’re doing more and more work yourself - and burn out is coming.
You’re struggling to maintain revenue (even though you’re busier than ever) and it feels like you’re drowning with no help in sight.
There’s no one to talk to - whether about success or failure, and you feel isolated and alone no matter how busy life gets.

After Joining The 
Maximum Lawyer Guild

You’re working with a purpose and strategy so that your time at work is helping build a successful firm.
You have the skills and systems needed to hire people who “get you” and instantly click with your vision so you don’t have to do it all on your own.
You’re bringing in leads, landing clients, and making money regularly so you can pick and choose who you work with and not worry about your bank balance.
There’s a supportive and encouraging community primed to pick you up and guide you towards your goals. Even when you’re on your own, you’re never alone.

FYI: The Maximum Lawyer Guild Membership Isn’t Right For You If You Are...

Unwilling to be part of a 
thriving community

Our membership is designed for sharing wisdom, success, and ideas - if you horde knowledge, we’re not right for you.

Unable to hold 
yourself accountable

If you’re not open to new ideas and new
ways of running your business, it’s
probably not the best idea to join a
group built on holding each
other accountable.

Uninterested in 
growing your firm

This membership is only for business
owners willing to make positive,
proactive changes to help scale and
grow their firms over the following
months and years.

Meet Tyson

jim & tyson

Successful Law Firm Owner, 
Podcaster & Guild Founder

As the Podcast has grown, so has the demand for support. That’s why, in 2020, we decided to share everything we knew in one action-oriented membership.

Just like the podcast, the Guild helps law firm owners create better systems so they can work less hours and make more money. This isn’t some passive group for people who collect memberships like baseball cards— we’re in the Guild alongside you.

Whether it’s answering your questions, moderating discussion, or via weekly accountability meetings, we’re eager to help guide you through your journey to a successful law firm too.

Learn More About Us

A Good Balance Between Being Direct and Honest Without Overwhelming People

“There’s a lot of camaraderie, everyone is trying to help each other because we’re all in the same boat. You might get information from someone in a different part of the country, in a different practice area, to improve your own business. I’d highly recommend you give it a try.”

Big Mike Guild Member

Enjoy Exclusive Access To Stage One Of The Maximum Lawyer In Minimum Time Course

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