This week on the show we have Adam Krause, partner at Krause and Kinsman law firm, a personal injury and mass torts firm based in Kansas City MO and Raleigh NC. In today’s episode we’ll talk about starting a firm straight out of law school, building a referral network from scratch, incorporating virtual employees with a physical office, and whether or not you need to change your case management software.
Hacking’s Hack:
Zapier. It’s super easy to get started and you can get incredibly complex if you want to. It’s the backbone of our entire intake and case management system. It’s not nearly as intimidating as you might think. It’s a productive rabbit hole.
Tyson’s Tip:
Huji Cam. It’s an app that simulates taking pictures on an old Fujifilm camera. Great for taking less boring pictures to post on social media and to share with friends.
Adam’s Advice:
-Use MyFitnessPal. Its been great for me, especially while I’m traveling.
-Upwork. I’m able to build a dream team from freelancers and I don’t have to worry about getting someone under qualified.
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