“Scaling tp 200+ Employees” w/ Robert Hoglund 155


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“Scaling from 0 to 200 Employees” w/Robert Hoglund

Today on the show we have Robert Hoglund, a graduate of Hamline University School of Law, owner of Hoglund, Chwialkowski & Mrozik, PLLC, a Social Security Disability Law Firm.

In today’s episode we’ll discuss the ethics of marketing and expanding your firm into new areas, phone consultations vs. in-person consultations, and splitting time between the firm and other businesses.

Hacking’s Hack: 

Read 5AM Club- I’ve been getting up at 5 and its made a big change on my productivity and outlook.

Tyson’s Tip: 

Transferwise. Transferwise lets you easily pay virtual assistants when you’re not going through Upwork or a similar platform.

Robert’s Tip:

Hold your attorneys accountable with data and coach them on their weak areas.

Keep your phone consults to 8-10 minutes-give them a reason to schedule an appointment.

Confirm appointments 1-3 business days from the call.


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