Tiger Tactics Secrets to Success w/Jay Ruane, Ryan McKeen, and Bill Umansky 141


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Today on the show we have Jay Ruane, Ryan McKeen, and Bill Umansky, co-authors of Tiger Tactics: Powerful Strategies for Winning Law Firms.

They’ll discuss staying energized, their favorite chapters of Tiger Tactics, writing a book with multiple authors, and things they wish they could tell their younger selves. If you listen closely you’ll even get to hear the story of Bill’s enlightening California bender, how to create a vision, and how to maintain balance in your lives and practices.

Hacking’s Hack: Tiger Tactics and Dare to Lead Renee Brown

Business owners need to build an environment for connection

Tyson’s Tip: My advice is to read one chapter and think about it for a few days. Take your time with Tiger Tactics, don’t rush though it. Live the principles.

Jay’s Tip: We’re in a people business. We just finished Q1. You should be 25% of the way towards your goals. Reach out to past connections you have fallen out of touch with. Send out personalized note cards.

Ryan’s Tip: If you can at all buy noise canceling headphones, they will help you be way more productive. We like Bose noise-canceling headphones.

Reach out if you need help. Many lawyers are afraid to get help when they are suffering. You are not alone.

Bill’s Tip: In this age of personal connection, it is important to do a lot of videos. Toss out your old videos that aren’t good anymore.

Get a video coach to shoot better videos.

Tiger Tactics:

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