The Maximum Lawyer Podcast

Are you running or starting your own law firm?
This is your podcast.


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The Maximum Lawyer Podcast Is Created by Law Firm Owners for Law Firm Owners

Whether you’re starting your firm or years into law firm ownership, you’ll hear the latest news, game-changing tips, and business strategies to give you support, grow your confidence, grow your team and grow your bank account.

with Shane Jasmine Young

Today’s Growth Opportunities in Law with Shane Jasmine Young

Are you an attorney who is early in their entrepreneurial career? In this episode of the Maximum Lawyer podcast, host Tyson Mutrux chats with attorney and entrepreneur Shane Jasmine Young. Shane shares her inspiring journey, her law firm, and the challenges of balancing professional aspirations with motherhood. 

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Latest Podcast Episodes

The Power of One

Episode 46: The Power of One

In this episode, Jim and Tyson will go through a list of 4 thoughts about when it comes to being a lawyer, a legal marketer and running your own firm.
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Going Solo Case Study

Episode 45 ft. JoAnn Holmes: Going Solo Case Study

In this episode, Jim and Tyson interview JoAnn Holmes, an intellectual property and commercial agreement attorney who runs her own law firm. They will go through her process of going solo, lessons learned, and as always, advice and tips for the ones taking the leap and going solo!

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Law is a Business

Episode 44 ft. Thom Singer: Law is a Business

In this episode, Jim and Tyson interview Thom Singer, a sales and marketing expert and a professional speaker. They will discuss marketing tactics for attorneys running their own law firms and how being a great speaker can improve your business. Trial lawyers! This episode is for you!

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Stories and Marketing ML043

Personal Stories and Marketing ML043

In this episode, Jim and Tyson will explain and discuss why is it so important to introduce personal stories in your firm’s marketing strategy. Also, they will go through some examples of how you can do it.
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You Need to Know.

Episode 42: ICON 17. Everything You Need to Know.

In this episode, Jim and Tyson will go through lessons learned and things they liked about this year’s ICON: Infusionsoft User Conference!
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ft. Will Norman ML041

Strategy ft. Will Norman ML041

In this episode, Jim and Tyson finish their talk with attorney Will Norman. This time, he will give us an update on his process and explain his “5, 5, 5 Plan”. Also, Jim and Tyson will go through a list of suggestions to help Will move forward with his firm.

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ft. Will Norman ML040

Going Solo ft. Will Norman ML040

In this episode, Jim and Tyson talk to Will Norman, a member of Maximum Lawyer’s Facebook group who is going through some career changes -he is going on his own!- and he needs some advice.

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ft. Jill Nelson ML039

The Power of First Impressions ft. Jill Nelson ML039

In this episode Jim and Tyson interview Jill Nelson, the founder and CEO of Ruby Receptionists, a virtual & live answering reception service, and will explain why creating a wonderful phone experience can help us grow our business.
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ft. Joey Vitale ML038

Choosing The Right Niche ft. Joey Vitale ML038

In this episode Jim and Tyson interview young attorney Joey Vitale and go through his process of starting his own law firm, choosing the right niche and re-branding accordingly.
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