Growing Pains and Solutions for a Brand New Solo w/Ryan Brown 143


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Today on the show we have Ryan Brown, a long-time member but brand new criminal defense attorney with his own solo practice in rural Georgia. In this episode we’ll discuss some of the biggest issues he runs into as a new attorney, as well as give him suggestions on how to expand his firm so that he can focus on the areas of practicing he loves, all without compromising his vision.

We’ll talk about:

-Recognizing systems you can improve and actually following through

-How to integrate automation into your solo or small size law firm

-When you should hire your first employee

-What to do with good domain names that you own but aren’t using

-Targeting and attracting younger clients

-The types of content that are best when you are starting out

Hacking’s Hack: There’s this little conference coming up called “MaxLawCon19” that is pretty close to selling out. Make sure you don’t miss it.

This week two different members of the group set up “Maximum Lawyer” lunches in their respective cities. We encourage this and will be doing this soon in St.Louis.

Tyson’s Tip: Jim stole my tip, but I want to add that we will be announcing a lunch date some time in the next week.

I have been subscribed to Adobe Cloud for awhile, but didn’t realize how much I had access to. I highly recommend it, especially for video.

Ryan’s Tip: Grammarly is great for guys like me who are fast typers, especially if you are doing a lot of typing online.

Ryan's Website:

Make sure to register for MaxLawCon19, June 6 and 7 in St.Louis.

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