Episode 48 ft. Stuart Bell: 90minutebooks


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In this episode, Jim and Tyson interview Stuart Bell, on of the co-founders of 90minutebooks.com; a process that allows you to get a book produced professionally in 90 minutes. They will talk about how it works and how it can help your business!

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90minutebooks is a marketing organization dedicated to helping you make invisible leads visible by capturing your unique message in the pages of a book. Whether you're looking to develop new business, nurture relationships with people you already engage or open doors previously stuck closed, your book is one of your greatest assets.


Here’s Stuart’s podcast: https://www.90minutebooks.com/podcast/

Stuart recorded a follow up to go through the more specific parts of the mind map we didn’t get chance to cover. Some great info there for anyone looking to do this themselves. It should add some real value to anyone who’s interested.

It’s up at www.90minutebooks.com/ml

Hacking’s hack: GARY VAYNERCHUK has changed his podcast! Check it out! https://www.garyvaynerchuk.com/podcast/ Very motivational stuff!

Tyson’s tip: Outsourcing/Delegation. Tyson has been outsourcing his medical record summaries and this has helped him a lot! He found this assistance through Upwork!

Stuart’s suggestion: www.noodlesoft.com, this is on machine automation (mac only unfortunately). It as a level of local file manipulation that ties in with Zapier (move files locally & then end up in a monitored Zapier folder to trigger other things).

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