I Want To Help You Build
An Awesome Seven-Figure
Law Firm That Doesn’t
Eat Up Your Time And Energy

Jim Hacking
Husband, Advocate For Immigrants, Podcaster, Maximum Lawyer Founder

Working With Hundreds

of attorneys in
the guild

Over 6,000

facebook group

Over 533

podcast episodes
(and counting!)

10 Million

views on youtube
(and thankful for
them all)

I Don’t Have to Be a Mind Reader to Know You Got Into This Industry to Make a Difference…

Like you, my career in the legal industry can be distilled down to a few major talking points.

I graduated in 1997 from the Saint Louis University School of Law. I opened my own practice in 2007. I was named the Best Lawyer in St. Louis by the Riverfront Times (twice).

Best Lawyer in St Louis

But let’s be honest, these types of highlights don’t even scratch the surface of why we got into law, or what impact our work has on those around us.

In the 15+ years of running my own practice, I’ve dedicated my time and energy to immigration law and helping those less fortunate than myself to become citizens of this great country. I’m passionate about uniting families and protecting rights, and I’ve made it my mission to uphold those values for those who can’t fight for themselves.

Now, having built and implemented systems to improve my own law firm, I confidently manage 30 employees and spend my time helping thousands of individuals obtain their immigration benefits.

That’s how I make my mark as a lawyer and a human. If you’re ready to do the same with your practice, and life, I’m here to help you.

You Say You Want More Cases... But I’m Not Sure I Believe You

That’s right, I’m going straight for the jugular. You say you want more cases.
You tell your staff, your family and yourself that you want more cases.

But is that actually true?

If you’re like most attorneys, there’s something inside of you that secretly DOESN’T want to increase intake. This mental block is because buried deep in the back of your mind, you think more cases means more work for you.

And more work means canceling your weekend plans. Rescheduling time with friends. Missing out on time with family. Slowly forgetting what your partner or kids look like as you become one with your office (a bit extreme, but you know what I mean).

more cases

If You Want to Grow Your Firm You Need to BREAK Your Self-Limiting Mindset

With the right systems in place, more cases doesn’t mean more work for you. With the correct processes, team and mindset you can bring on new cases and make more money WITHOUT having to do all the work yourself.

If this all sounds like I’ve sold my soul in return for mind-reading powers, I can assure you I haven’t. But I do know this is how you feel because I felt this way too. Over the past 15+ years I’ve tried, tested, succeeded (and failed) every strategy under the sun.

Now, I can confidently say I know how to build a successful law firm no matter what stage it’s in, and I’m here to help you break your own self-limiting mindset and achieve success too.

I’m Not Here to Teach You How to Become a Better Lawyer...

It’s true I’ve got a few miles under my belt as an attorney (where does the time go?!) but I’m not here to help you up your legal game. I’m here to help you master your business.

Having sat through law school as a student and again as a teacher (shout out to everyone who sat in my Law Practice Management class!) I know first-hand that school doesn’t get you ready for the challenges of running a law firm.

Attracting clients. Marketing yourself. Becoming an expert. Managing people. Recruiting staff. Training staff. Holding onto staff so you don’t end up doing everything yourself (we all know what that can feel like).

These are the skills you DON’T learn in law school. And that’s why they’re the exact skills you do learn as a member of the Maximum Lawyer community. Alongside my friend and colleague Tyson, I’m here to help you smash your goals.

Whether you want more free time, more cases in your pipeline, more cash in your bank account, or more flexibility to step away while your kick-ass seven-figure business runs without you, I’ll show you how.

become better lawyer

Industry Experience

Founder Of Hacking Immigration Law, LLC

Founder Of Hacking
Immigration Law, LLC

Served As A Member U.S. Attorney’s Hate Crime Task Force

Served As A Member
U.S. Attorney’s Hate
Crime Task Force

Chair Of The Muslim Task Force Of The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Of East Missouri

Chair Of The Muslim Task
Force Of The American
Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU) Of East Missouri

Founding Member Of The Saint Louis Chapter Of The Council On American-Islamic Relations

Founding Member Of The Saint Louis Chapter Of The Council On American-Islamic Relations

Maximum Lawyer Podcasts

Go on, give your ears a treat

ft. Jill Nelson ML039

The Power of First Impressions ft. Jill Nelson ML039

In this episode Jim and Tyson interview Jill Nelson, the founder and CEO of Ruby Receptionists, a virtual & live answering reception service, and will explain why creating a wonderful phone experience can help us grow our business.
Listen on Google Play Music

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ft. Joey Vitale ML038

Choosing The Right Niche ft. Joey Vitale ML038

In this episode Jim and Tyson interview young attorney Joey Vitale and go through his process of starting his own law firm, choosing the right niche and re-branding accordingly.
Listen on Google Play Music

Listen to Episode

No and Letting Go

Episode 37: Saying No and Letting Go

A game changing episode. Jim and Tyson will go over a list of 10 things you should not do or stop doing that will help you relieve some stress and get more work done. Efficiency.  
Listen on Google Play Music

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